Understand Your Ballot

If you’ve ever looked at your ballot and wondered “who the heck are these people?!” – you’re not alone! By entering your address below, you can research your candidates, find out where to vote early or on election day, and even set reminders to vote!

There are a lot of different reasons why people don’t vote. Not being able to find out who is on your ballot should not be one of them! 

KSBallot.org is a tool provided by the Voter Network (in both English and Spanish) that gives Kansas voters a nonpartisan, comprehensive look at the candidates and issues that will appear on their ballots.

KSBallot will be live thirty days before the upcoming election—where you are able to:

  • read up on candidate’s positions and find links to their social media accounts and websites,
  • find your election day polling site and locations where you could vote early, and
  • make a plan to vote, and sign up for reminders!
  • request an advance mail-in ballot